
About Global GAP

Global GAP, called as global Good Agriculture Practices and iginated from EUREPGAP, was established in reference to the standard of good agriculture practice on a global market scale. For Global GAP certification, it can be transferred the demands for agriculture products from consumers into agriculture planting, and be accredited rapidly in many countries. Up to Aug., 2007, Global GAP has covered more than 80 countries and over 80000 planters have been certified by Global GAP.

The certification standard of Global GAP covers the full processes of products to be certified, from planting to harvesting, involved with 5 units: crops (including the standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants, and the standards for field crops, green coffee as well and tea standard block), livestock and poultry (including cattle and sheep, dairy cow, live pig and poultry module), aquatic product (including salmon module), animal feed and propagating material.

To achieve Global GAP certification, it’s required the manufacturing enterprise or certification client to submit the application of certification to CQM, and the certification inspectors will be appointed and sent by CQM to carry out the on-site inspection and audit on the manufacturing base (livestock farm) and then formulate the inspection report. CQM will make the certification decision and issue the certificate in accordance with the inspection report and relevant supporting audit documents. After the enterprisesds succeed in obtaining the certificate, CQM will conduct the follow-up management and spot check in the market to ensure the enterprises continuous meet the requirements of standard. So far, 7 certificates of GlobalGAP have been issued by CQM covering 5 provinces and cities.




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